Updating Burp Suite Pro in Ubuntu Linux

Most of the instructions out there on updating Burp Suite on Linux are for the community version, not the Pro version. I thought I'd make a quick post on how to do this on Ubuntu, and this will likely work for other Linux flavors. I've noticed that the .sh file doesn't like being run with sudo, so these instructions reflect that. 

1. An automatic prompt to update should occur when you open Burp Suite if it is out of date. You should note your existing version number which shows at the top of the main window.

2. Follow the wizard and download the file to ~/Downloads

3. Close the Burp Suite GUI

4. Run these commands from a terminal:
cd ~/Downloads
ls | grep -i burp
chmod u+x <burp-filename>.sh


7. Click the Show Applications button in Ubuntu

8. Type burp

9. Click the Burp icon

If everything went well, the new version should show at the top of the window. These steps are very simple of course, but it's slightly annoying that the update wizard doesn't actually tell you these steps, so here they are!


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